Thursday, February 16, 2012
Next up is the 2009 film Mystery Team from derrick comedy this is in my opinion just a hilarious film that is worth watching.Mystery Team received its world premiere at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival. It definitely succeeds as comedy and is in no way a waste of time. Mystery Team in a nutshell is basically about three childhood friends/childhood detectives who are now 18 years old but are still solving crimes like who stole Timmy’s lunchbox; that is until a small girl hired them to find out who murdered her parents and the craziness just goes on from there. This film will have you laughing throughout the entire time and the story definitely builds on itself as time goes on. I am actually a fan of derrick comedy and this movie definitely exceeded expectations for me and kept the laughs going the whole time. Of course this is not considered a family friendly film i know most people probably don't care but i figure i might as well put that in.

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1 comment:

  1. Although recent, I've never heard of this film. You seem to think that it's hilarious though judging by the post so if I ever get the chance I'll have to check it out. Plus, the byline seems like it has a lot of potential haha
